
Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Gifts from Afar

Let me start by saying that gift giving is not one of my talents. It is also not one of my Love Languages. Have you heard of the 5 Love Languages? It's a book that describes the 5 ways that people show love to one another:  words of affirmation, quality time, acts of service, physical touch, and receiving gifts. The author says that you need to know your own top 2 love languages, and that of those you love, so you will know how to show them you care.

I've been trying for years to be better at choosing gifts, and actually giving them {you have no idea how many would have been gifts are floating around my house}. This gift I've put together today is way past due.

It's for my dear friend, Katie. Katie and I met freshman year of college. In fact, it was our first day in the dorms. We've been together through cramming for finals, stressing about what major to choose, trying to figure out what to do with our lives {I'm still waiting for a definitive answer}, and a few Disneyland trips. She was also there in the very early stages of my relationship with Steven. And I was lucky enough to have her stand by my side as a bridesmaid.

Photo by: Flux Photography

Over the last few years our friendship has been a long distance one. I stayed in San Diego while Katie moved back to Sacramento. We've stayed close, cherishing our telephone dates and the special occasion when one of us can visit the other.

Katie has had some wonderful, life changing events lately. All of which deserve to be celebrated. The first (not so life changing, but more inevitable) was a birthday in December. I meant to send a card. The second was graduating from Sacramento State. I meant to send a gift. The most recent is a brand new job, which she just started last week.

With all of these wonderful happenings, I knew I needed to do something to show her that although I couldn't physically be there, I was proud of her and excited for these new beginnings.

So I decided to put together a little care package with a few essentials for her new career life.

First, a devotional. My Utmost For His Highest was first published in 1927. Decades later it still remains as one of the most popular daily devotionals. I picked up a copy for myself too.

I also found this adorable owl mug and couldn't pass it up. Perfect for a morning cup of jo at the office {or holding pencils on a new desk}. Of course, you need coffee with a cofee mug, so I slipped a little gift card inside.

Now for the wrapping, which is my favorite part of giving gifts. I wrapped the book in brown paper and added a little something extra with this fun scrapbook cardstock. Tied with twine and it is ready to go.

I found an old dictionary in my office break room "give away" section. Does your office have one? We have books, file folders, even small furniture. It's kind of like thrifting... on your coffee break. I cut out pages in the dictionary and used them for wrapping the mug and filling my shipping box.

Topped with a card from my ever growing stationary collection and it is ready to go. I posted it on Thursday Saturday Monday and it should be delivered today. So Happy B-day, Congradulations, and Congrats on the new job!

1 comment:

  1. What a lovely personal gift! I love using an old dictionary for packing paper, very cute :)
