
Friday, May 11, 2012

Butterfly Cupcakes and a very blessed week

happy friday friends!


I made these cupcakes for my coworker's birthday this week. I love to bake! It always seems to put me in a good mood. And it was so fun to make these butterfly and sunny flower decorations.

I used a box of red velvet {PTL for cake mixes} and made my own cream cheese frosting. No matter how busy you are or how limited your time is, I think you should always use homemade frosting. It's a lesson I hope to one day teach my daughter.

Boxed cake mix plus homemade frosting still equals homemade.

The decorations are fondant, cut out with a mini cookie cutter borrowed from Steven's mom.

I thought I would link up with Molly from Urban Nester this week and share my Unfortunates and Fortunates. I'm very blessed that there were far more fortunates this week.

-Not seeing my husband very much L Our work schedules were not conducive to spending time together this week. But thank God for overtime pay J
-Cloudy gray weather at the coast. They kept saying it would warm up in the afternoon. It did not.

-Cinco de Mayo celebrations with two of my favorite ladies – chicken tacos, salad with chipotle dressing, and sangria. Yum!
-Birthday celebrations – dinners, ice cream cake, lemon meringue pie, and presents. 
-Watching my little god-son Trip and god-daughter Kaylin swing at the piñata for their birthday. And watching Kaylin run away screaming when she got silly stringed {I felt bad, but it was so cute!}. And hearing little Trip exclaim so emphatically that his “laser gun is bea-u-tiful”.  
-Getting scared by one of my high school girls jumping out of a trash can. Yes, you read right. They lured us out into the street and got the whole thing on video. It was awesome J
-Running the last 200 feet of my 4 mile walk by the beach. I felt so empowered and strong. Then I felt tired.
-Juicing! Hubby got me a juicer for my birthday. So healthy and yummy. I'll share recipes soon. 


  1. Love your unfortunate and fortunate events! Glad you decided to join in on the fun :]

  2. Aww, we were included in your fortunates! I'm so glad we got to see you. I would love to see that video of the surprise leap out of the trash can.

    Also, well done on walking/running four miles! I am really looking forward to your juicing recipies, I have been wanting to get a juicer and get into that because I just love making our homemade smoothies so I'm sure we will love your juice recipes as well!

  3. lovely cupcakes!!

    xo, elizabeth.

    ps: im a new follower :)
