
Friday, June 1, 2012

Afternoon Snack - Brie Cheese w/ honey and thyme {w/ recipes}

You know that tiredness you get after a long, fun weekend? That “my body aches and my mind is jello” kind of tired?

That is me today.

I spent the weekend in Big Bear - hiking, Alpine sliding, wine walking, kayaking, and soaking up the sun with my best friends. And even though I’m exhausted, it is a great feeling -to be tired for good reason. So I will gladly pay the price for all the fun I had.

Oh how I wish I was still there. Floating on the lake in a kayak, getting rocked by the waves from passing boats.

This afternoon I think I’ll go home, sit on my back deck, and reflect on my fun adventures. Maybe I’ll prepare a little afternoon snack. I think I have some brie cheese in the fridge, and the rest of a baguette from the weekend. I’ll slice the baguette, top it with cheese, and drizzle a little honey over top. I’ll grab some fresh thyme and sprinkle a little on top.

Maybe I’ll toast the bread first so that the cheese melts ever so slightly on top. I may get thirsty, so I’ll grab some sparkling lemonade and add a little lavender syrup to bring out the floral tones of the thyme.

I think I’ll enjoy this snack.  

And what about you my friends? Are you tired from a fun weekend? I sure hope so. 

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  1. Not tired- but hungry after looking at these pictures!! :)

  2. Kristin, I'm your 10th follower! :) Thank you so much for your lovely comment on my blog! I'm so glad you liked the DIY! I hope you will try it & share the pics with me! oooh, what a fun snack & best of all, easy to make! YUM! After this diet I'm on, I will definitely give this a try...if I can wait that long! haha.

    Thanks again for the support! I appreciate it more than you know! <3

    The Shopaholic 247
