
Friday, May 31, 2013

Kristin Lately...

indoor gardening...

& outdoor gardening...

sushi dates...

& baseball games...

bare legs...

& beach days.


  1. um...I'll take some sushi dates please! Side order of beach days!

  2. Love! I have been gardening as well. I can't wait for some fresh vegetables! :) That sushi looks delicious...and I could really go for a beach day right now!

  3. Love this = ) Baseball games are one of my summer favorites...thankfully I've gotten to go to two already!

  4. Kristin, you are living the life sister!! How blessed are we to live in such a beautiful place, and be able to enjoy the bare legs and beach days?!

  5. That sushi looks so good! I wish I lived in San Diego, since they have the best sushi ever (and I wished I lived there for so many other reasons)! I had the best sushi meal in San Diego when I visited there a few years ago.
