
Monday, July 1, 2013

a hidden oasis... {w/ travel}

I know this isn’t a very new trend, but man, succulents are really popular right now.

If you told me this ten years ago I would have chuckled, 
and silently wondered how boring cactus plants could ever be interesting enough to be trendy.

You see, I’ve grown up in Southern California, where cacti and succulents abound.
I never thought of them as beautiful or unique, 
but only as dry, dull and pokey. 
Interesting how opinions can change.

Now I absolutely love them and have half a dozen little pots around my house and backyard. 
I wonder if my opinion of them has truly changed (I am 10 years older now) 
or if I’m just jumping on the bandwagon. 
My thought is probably a little of both. 
But somewhere along the lines of life and trends and style and what is “popular”, 
someone decided that succulents were cool. And that someone was pretty smart.

The other week I happened upon Succulent Café, a real-life secret garden, 
hidden in the middle of downtown Oceanside (northern San Diego).  
This outdoor café is set up in the side yard of a historic house-turned-spa. But what makes this place really incredible, is that it is filled to the brim with gorgeous succulents.

I love how the succulents are planted in so many unique "pots" 
- from tea cups to mini bathtubs to denim pants. 

It is the perfect place to sit and reflect with a cup or tea or coffee. 
I only wish it were open late. 
I think it would be perfect for a date night, or gathering with friends after work. 


  1. So pretty! I've been wanting a little pot of succulents but I'm worried I won't be able to keep it alive--I don't have your green thumb! I imagine they're pretty hardy though, right? Maybe I'll have to give it a try!

  2. I am IN LOVE with succulent cafe! Thank you for sharing that beautiful hole in the wall!!
