
Monday, July 8, 2013

Adventure is Out There {w/ travel}

Are you a planner when it comes to your vacations? Or do you take spontaneous get-aways? I've always been a planner. As in, tickets are booked 6 months in advance. But sometimes its fun to just get up and go.


Steven and I recently celebrated our fifth anniversary (June 21). Five years went by incredible fast, and this particular anniversary came up even faster than the others, at least it felt that way. We started talking a few months ago about how to celebrate, but didn't make any plans.

I wasn't sure if I could get away from work since I'm still fairly "new" to my new position and a coworker had already requested time off. We thought about having a "staycation" in downtown San Diego or flying up to Napa for the weekend, but we knew those would be great options because we had already done them. And five years felt like it deserved something original. Something we would remember on our 50th anniversary. A true adventure.

As the weeks passed, we couldn't figure out what to do. We have a trip to Kauai planned for October, so we didn't want to spend a lot of money and we realized we were probably too late to plan anything that wouldn't cost an arm and a leg. About two weeks before our anniversary, Steven suggested a cruise to Ensenada, Mexico. We've been before (for Steven's grandparents 60th anniversary), but it's quick and fairly cheap and would let us get away for a few days. But I would need to request time off from work. So I did. And I got it off.

I think my mind, in this case, lent itself to the "give an inch, take a mile" paradigm. Once I had the time off work I started thinking about all the things we could do in that time that would be great and exciting and new. So we started brainstorming again.

Then one morning I got a text from the husband that read, "Ok I have another CRAZY idea. How about 3 days in the Bahamas?"

Incredibly, a 3 day cruise from Miami was a really good deal and Steven's dad was able to use his points (he flies a lot for work) to get us plane tickets. So we booked it, exactly 2 weeks before the trip.

Part of me felt crazy - I am such a planner and 2 weeks is very last minute to me. Not to mention it is a 5 hour flight from San Diego to Miami. It seemed like a short time to go a long ways, but we both knew this was the adventure we were looking for.

So Thursday before our anniversary we took a red-eye and landed in Florida on Friday morning. We boarded the boat and started our vacation!

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