
Saturday, March 31, 2012

Saturday Morning Breakfast

hello friends. Sorry I haven't posted in awhile. When I started this blog I made it a personal goal / requirement to post at least once a week. I figured that would be realistic, given my other commitments. But look at me, one month into blogging and I'm already falling behind. Whatever my excuses (busy weekends,  work, poor weather) they don't really matter. So here I am back to the blog.

So often I find myself cooking the same meals, week in and week out. And while I have no complaints from the husband (he would be happy to eat California burritos 5 times a week), I love to try new things and get out of my comfort zone. So I've resolved to try new recipes, and new crafts for that matter. I will be calling it "Pinned it & Did it". 

So here is my first for this series. I saw the recipe this morning while laying in bed, "pinning" on the iPad. It was simple and I already had the ingredients, so I did it. 

These Baked Eggs and Prosciutto Cups are so delicious and very easy. I imagine they'd be perfect when you have a lot of mouths to feed, but also worked wonderfully for the husband and me. I used spinach instead of leeks and cheddar, and was very happy with the result. For husband's I scrambled the eggs (since he's not much of a soft yoke person) and added a Mexican blend cheese. He added Cholulu hot sauce to spice them up a bit. 

Here was my Saturday morning breakfast: baked eggs in prosciutto cups with fresh organic spinach, rye toast with plenty of butter, plain Greek yogurt with blueberries and a bit of agave syrup, and English Breakfast tea. 

Monday, March 19, 2012

Lemon Popover Pancakes

hello world. Hope you are having a fantastic start of the week. San Diego was hit with a major rainstorm this weekend... we even had hail! Which in San Diego, is cause for much excitement. I stayed in most of the weekend, reading and baking. As much as I love a good rainstorm, I got a little antsy, longing for the return of sunshine.

Luckily, these breakfast beauties are a helpful stand-in. They have a tart sunny-ness about them, that is sure to lift your spirits on a gray day.

This recipe is originally from Steven's aunt Dawn, but given to me from Steven's mom Debbie. I've altered it a bit, as what may serve 2 normal adults, is not quite enough for the hubs and I. Plus, I prefer a little {read LOT} more lemon.

Lemon Popover Pancakes {serves 2}
3/4 c milk
3/4 c flour
3 eggs
2-4 T butter (melted)

1-3 lemons (juiced)
powdered sugar (to taste)

These "pancakes" are baked in the oven. You can use 2 medium sized ramekins or popover baking dishes. I use a muffin tin and make about 8 small pancakes.

1. In a medium mixing bowl, lightly whisk together milk, flour, and eggs. Do not over-whisk. It's ok if there are a few lumps.

2. Grease baking dishes and then pour melted butter evenly among dishes. Divide batter and add on top of melted butter. Bake in 425 degree oven for 15-20 minutes, depending on what size dish you're using.

3.  While pancakes are baking, mix lemon juice and powdered sugar. Meyer lemons work best as their natural sweetness will let you cut back on the powdered sugar. I usually use 2 medium sized Meyer lemons, but you can use 1 large lemon, or 3 if they're very small. A few tablespoons of powdered sugar usually does the trick.

4. You'll notice that the pancakes "pop" up in the oven. When they're golden brown remove from heat and drizzle with lemon syrup. Enjoy right away!

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Gifts from Afar

Let me start by saying that gift giving is not one of my talents. It is also not one of my Love Languages. Have you heard of the 5 Love Languages? It's a book that describes the 5 ways that people show love to one another:  words of affirmation, quality time, acts of service, physical touch, and receiving gifts. The author says that you need to know your own top 2 love languages, and that of those you love, so you will know how to show them you care.

I've been trying for years to be better at choosing gifts, and actually giving them {you have no idea how many would have been gifts are floating around my house}. This gift I've put together today is way past due.

It's for my dear friend, Katie. Katie and I met freshman year of college. In fact, it was our first day in the dorms. We've been together through cramming for finals, stressing about what major to choose, trying to figure out what to do with our lives {I'm still waiting for a definitive answer}, and a few Disneyland trips. She was also there in the very early stages of my relationship with Steven. And I was lucky enough to have her stand by my side as a bridesmaid.

Photo by: Flux Photography

Over the last few years our friendship has been a long distance one. I stayed in San Diego while Katie moved back to Sacramento. We've stayed close, cherishing our telephone dates and the special occasion when one of us can visit the other.

Katie has had some wonderful, life changing events lately. All of which deserve to be celebrated. The first (not so life changing, but more inevitable) was a birthday in December. I meant to send a card. The second was graduating from Sacramento State. I meant to send a gift. The most recent is a brand new job, which she just started last week.

With all of these wonderful happenings, I knew I needed to do something to show her that although I couldn't physically be there, I was proud of her and excited for these new beginnings.

So I decided to put together a little care package with a few essentials for her new career life.

First, a devotional. My Utmost For His Highest was first published in 1927. Decades later it still remains as one of the most popular daily devotionals. I picked up a copy for myself too.

I also found this adorable owl mug and couldn't pass it up. Perfect for a morning cup of jo at the office {or holding pencils on a new desk}. Of course, you need coffee with a cofee mug, so I slipped a little gift card inside.

Now for the wrapping, which is my favorite part of giving gifts. I wrapped the book in brown paper and added a little something extra with this fun scrapbook cardstock. Tied with twine and it is ready to go.

I found an old dictionary in my office break room "give away" section. Does your office have one? We have books, file folders, even small furniture. It's kind of like thrifting... on your coffee break. I cut out pages in the dictionary and used them for wrapping the mug and filling my shipping box.

Topped with a card from my ever growing stationary collection and it is ready to go. I posted it on Thursday Saturday Monday and it should be delivered today. So Happy B-day, Congradulations, and Congrats on the new job!

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Berry Iced Tea

Today is another unseasonably warm day in San Diego. It is absolutely beautiful. I couldn't help but brew some iced tea and sit outside to enjoy the sun and a new book. Any other commitments or responsibilities I had for the day will have to wait.

Our gardenia bush had one beautiful flower, tucked away behind the trellis. I snipped it and put in some water so I could enjoy its fragrance while I read my new book, The Hunger Games. I'm sure I am the absolute last person to jump on this bandwagon, but can I just say it is so good! I understand what all the hype is about.

Berry Iced Tea isn't so much a recipe, but a simple upgrade for your standard black iced tea. Regardless, I'll share my steps for a delicious slightly sweetened tea.

Berry Iced Tea {6 servings}
4 black tea bags
frozen raspberries, blueberries
mint (for garnish)

1. Heat about 6 cups water in tea kettle and bring to boil.
2. Steep 4 tea bags according to instructions (I use Lipton's black tea)
3. Pour over about 3 cups of ice.
4. Pour into glasses with more ice and add frozen berries. Top with fresh mint.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Distressed Terra Cotta w/ Burro's Tail Succulent

Hi there! I thought I would share on a little project I did this weekend.

I found the perfect sized mini succulents at the local farmer's market early in January. I'd been looking to add some life (literally) to the bookcases I'm in the process of restyling {a post on this will come soon}.

The succulents were resigned to live in their 4 inch plastic containers for weeks as I've searched high and low for the right pots. I'm still looking, but in the mean time I decided to create my own. Or rather, put some crafty love on plain terra cotta pots.

This was almost too easy. I used linseed oil paint mixed with turpentine to make a thin coat {you could also use acrylic paint mixed with a little water}. Using a standard flat paintbrush, I brushed on the mixture, making sure to avoid any clearly defined brush strokes.

 Once I made sure every visible inch was covered, I took a paper towel and roughed it up a bit around the edges, the way natural wear and tear would look. The combination of turpentine and extremely porous terra cotta helped the paint dry in no time. I used some river rocks at the bottom (to help with drainage) and repotted.

The result is a rustic, distressed style terra cotta that is a perfect temporary home for the Burro's Tail succulent.