
Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Reflection {w/ prayers}

hello dear friends. how are you?


The last few weeks have been heavy.

Some very close friends are going through some very difficult times.

And I can't help but to feel the weight of their pain.   
 “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace.
In this world you will have trouble.
But take heart! I have overcome the world.”
John 16:33 


  1. I will be praying for your friends and for you in this difficult time. That verse is one of my favorites! Definitely an encouragement in tough times.

  2. Kristin I love you! You have been such an amazing friend the past month (not to mention the past 6 years now...omg side note, can you BELIEVE we started college a little over 6 YEARS ago and developed an awesome friendship??? Wow time flies!)

    But seriously, you are incredible and it was so great talking Thursday and just catching up on life. Thank you for your prayesr, I can definitely feel them.

    Love you K1&K2

    1. Thanks Katie-love! Wow 6 years... I can't believe. But in some ways I feel we've always been friends :)

  3. What a nice verse - 2 of my friends have recently been diagnosed with cancer (one is only 27 -my age!) and my heart is breaking for them as well. Pray for me and I'll pray for you.

  4. Lovely verse. Best of luck to you and your friends. Sounds like they are lucky to have such a caring friend as you.

  5. So sorry to hear things have been tough. Sending positive thoughts your way! xo

  6. What a great friend to have -- one that knows Who to turn to in times of trouble!

  7. Hope everything works out for your friends!
