
Wednesday, September 19, 2012

What I'm Loving Wednesday {w/faves}

What am I loving this Wednesday? I think the better question is "what am I not loving"? Today I feel so renewed and joyful, in no small part to the kind words in comments from yesterdays post. I tend to be a private person, and have a very hard time opening up. So it was incredibly encouraging to read all the lovely notes.

Thank you.

Here's what I'm loving this week...

...The Shins radio on Pandora
This station is perfect for work. It is mellow, but with the right mix of upbeat songs that will lift your spirits if you happen to find yourself in a work funk. Tons of Shins songs, Modest Mouse (every time I hear them it takes me back to high school), Amos Lee, Iron & Wine, Mike Snow, Fleetwood Mac, to name a few.

... the idea of FALL
I say idea, because that's all we have here in San Diego. It's been hotter than you know what the last few weeks, and while it's nice to have extra beach days, the cool, crisp days of autumn are calling my name. My heart is yearning for a gust of wind to blow red and yellow leaves across my front balcony.



... Food Network's The Great Food Truck Race
How embarassing is it that this makes my list? But seriously, I love this show. I am crossing my fingers that Seoul Sausage will win and already planning my daytrip to LA to try their Kimchi Fried Rice Balls.

... blogging!
It feels great to be re-energized and full of ideas for things to post on in the coming months. I am considering doing a Daily December series (a post every day in December, eek!).

... my sweet husband
He's been particularly awesome this week.

Exhibit A


  1. Come visit me and then you can see fall!

    And I will do a Daily December series with you!


    1. I would love to visit you! Let me know if you find a good flight deal, I'm looking.

  2. I love your blog! I'm a new GFC follower :) Looks like you are my fellow SD neighbor...I too love fall...think I will be hitting up Julian soon :)

    1. Thanks so much! And yes, I too hope to visit Julian soon for some apple picking and cooler weather :)
