
Wednesday, October 31, 2012

What I'm Loving Wednesday

Hope you are having a "spooktacular" day.

I’m loving… that today is October 31st. I’m not a huge fan of Halloween. Don’t get me wrong, I have nothing against it. I used to love dressing up to trick-or-treat or going to parties. This year I dressed 80s style -  big hair, lots of eye shadow, fuchsia lipstick, the works.

But my favorite thing about today is that it means tomorrow is November. It’s time for pumpkin pie, brightly colored leaves, and turkey!

I’m loving… YOGA. I’ve been practicing on and off for the last few years, but consistently now since July. To me yoga is more than just a workout, it really is “me time”. Time to put aside my growing to-do list, the pile of papers at work, and other stresses in life. It’s also a really awesome way to be in prayer. When your body is being pushed to the limit it becomes a natural reaction to cry out to God.

I’ve been going to the cutest new yoga studio in Carlsbad. It is a converted beach bungalow. I am in love with the design of the studio – original hardwood floors, pedestal sink and penny tile in the bathroom, and an adorable little kitchen where herbal tea is complimentary.

I’m loving… the new Taylor Swift songs. Seriously, the girl can do no wrong in my eyes.


  1. Im loving the taylor swift songs too :)

  2. I jump at any opportunity to do the "80's thing"....cute pic! :)
