
Sunday, November 4, 2012

November Resolutions

You know those things you talk about doing but never actually do? You’ve tried time and time again, but somehow each time you always fall a little bit short. Yet no matter how many times you’ve tried (and failed) you keep at it, each time saying, “This time will be different. This time I will actually accomplish my goal.”

 Well folks, I’m here to tell you, this time will be different. This year, I am going to accomplish my goal: complete my Christmas shopping before December. I say it each and every year. And not because I am one of those super-organized people who like to have everything done ahead of time. Believe me, I’m not. When it comes to work, yes sometimes most of the time. But in my day to day life I am a last minute, put makeup on in the car, buy the gift on the way to the party type of gal.

No, I set this goal each year because I know finishing my shopping early would hugely de-stress my life. Let me explain, I am horrible at getting gifts for people. Every once in a while I will come up with a great gift idea. Usually at the most inopportune time, like smack dab in the middle between the person’s birthday and Christmas. But most of the time I am at a complete loss for what to get people. It seriously stresses me out. 

Last year I did not even come close to accomplishing my goal. In large part because I was so busy planning my husband’s surprise birthday party and my bestie’s bachelorette party. It was a very busy time of year...

 But this year, I am giving myself a deadline. I can do it… right?


  1. Of course you can do it! I feel like a have a million of those goals that I say I'll do, but always fall short. Gift giving can be hard! I have trouble with it too. Getting it all done ahead of time though will make the holidays so much sweeter. I want to be an organized shopper this year too!

  2. I'd like to get most of mine done by December!

  3. completing my Christmas shopping early is my top goal this year. I refuse to go inside any mall around Christmas time. I'm your new gfc follower :)
    would be great if you visit my blog.
    Abi K

  4. Thank you for your sweet comment! I'd love to follow each other :) now following you, follow back! :)
