
Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Life lately {w/ fun}

My life lately, according to Insta.Gram.

You can follow me here.

Lunch time bible study, trying to prepare a new small group series
for my high schoolers on a Proverbs 31 woman.
Anyone know any good resources? 

Spent a day learning how to grade pearls -fun!

Poor Chandler has been freezing lately. Any given night you
will find him bundled up in his Christmas sweater in front of the fire.
He is constantly pushing his bed closer and closer to the fire.

A few weeks ago we visited some friends up in LA and
went to the famous Porto's Bakery. This mango mousse was delicious.
And lastly, my new mason jar candle from the project I did last week.
Creating the perfect ambience for Thanksgiving is key.

How are your holiday plans coming along? Only 2 more days until Thanksgiving...


  1. I love this post! I did a study on Proverbs 31 woman once, but can't remember the resource! Have you ever read Captivating by Stasi Eldridge? So good! Have a happy Thanksgiving- love that mason jar! xo

  2. Yum that mousse looks delicious. I love candles in jars and how you decorated the jar is so sweet.

  3. ooo grading pearls... interesting and that mousse!! yummm!!
    would you like to follow each other!? let me know :)
