
Friday, November 16, 2012

Thanksgiving Mason Jar Candleholder {w/ crafts}

Last night the smell of vanilla candles filled my small condo. It was cold outside, and my pup Chandler was buried beneath a throw blanket on the couch. Cupcakes were baking in the oven and I was mixing up some salted caramel butter cream frosting. I was in my element.  

I love my alone time when I am working on a project – baking, crafting, even blogging. It’s relaxing but because I am doing something, there’s a sense of accomplishment.

The candles burning last night were in my new mason jar candle holders that I made last weekend. I did this same project last year and liked it so much I knew I had to make another one. It is such an easy craft and I think it is adorable.

Here’s what you need:

1 mason jar

Mod Podge

Fresh, dry brightly colored leaves


Acrylic spray (optional)


With a paintbrush or sponge brush, apply a thin layer of mod podge to outside of a clean, dry mason jar.

Place leaves on jar and position as you like.

Apply another coat of mod podge on top of leaves.

Let dry for 15 minutes and then apply another coat, if needed, so that leaves are flush against the jar.

Once completely dry, spray with an acrylic sealer to set leaves and mod podge.

Voila! There you have a simple, easy candle holder.

Have a great weekend my friends!


  1. I love this idea and it's so cheep to make!

  2. Love your blog, great pictures would you like to follow eachother?

    If you want to follow me on Bloglovin' & GFC will follow straight back

    Kelly xox

  3. Oh my god, this is such a fantastic idea! You totally took me in with that first paragraph, too, I could almost smell the cupcakes :P

    I'm your newest follower via the I Love My Online Friends blog hop. Stop by sometime, say hi & maybe follow back if you like.

    - Erin xo - One girl's attempt at creating 365 different make-up looks in as many days

  4. What a cute idea! Thanks for stopping by my blog and following along! :) I tried to reply to your comment via email, but it came back as a "no-reply". You can find out more info here:

    Have a great day! :)

  5. So this is what you did when we got off the phone! Super cute! You did an awesome job girl :)

    P.S. I nominated you for a blogger award! Go check out my blog for the deets!
