
Tuesday, December 4, 2012

20 more days... {w/ crafts}

hello friends.

Can you believe Christmas is less than 3 weeks away? Positively insane. Today I am guest posting over at Wannabe Green. I'm sharing some fun Christmas ornaments I made, like the ones here:

Decorations around the w/ household are simple this year. I realized that for the last four years (since we've been married) we've been collecting a hodge-podge of things that don't necessarily "go" together. While pulling everything out this year it dawned on me that just because I have it, doesn't mean I need to put it out. So I decided to go for an understated vibe. I put some printables in frames and placed ornaments in vases and cinnamon pine cones in bowls. I even strung popcorn for the tree!

find the printable here

find the printable here

find the printable here

The tree is trimmed and underneath are brown paper packages tied up with string. There are flames in my fireplace and rum in my eggnog. Carols are playing on the radio and even the red and green traffic lights are making it feel, like Christmas is here.


  1. Lovely decorations! have a good week:0

  2. I love the O Come Let Us Adore Him ornament!


  3. Love, love, LOVE all of it! So cute!!!

  4. Hey girl...just added your blog to this Friday link up! :)
    Have a good weekend!

  5. I totally agree about editing, I realized I needed to to that a bit this year as well. Love the garland.

  6. Hi! New follower here from the blog hop! Excited to have found your super cute blog! Would love a visit from you over at Moms Surviving Kids!

  7. Rum in your eggnog? My kind of girl! Thanks for visiting my blog! New follower :)

  8. Great ornaments! I haven't strung popcorn for the tree in ages. Maybe I should do it this year? I still haven't decorated my tree. Total slacker. I love printable. I made a really funny one on my blog here. Merry Christmas Ya Filthy Animal/. It is a nice throwback to Home Alone. :)
