
Friday, December 14, 2012

Fabulous Friday

Weekly update.
So, if you haven't noticed, I've been MIA this week.
I have a bad habit of taking on more than I can handle. If you can believe it, a few months ago I thought I would post every day in December. I was going to call it Daily December (creative, I know). But truth is there is just way too much fun stuff going on this month! Too many dinners with friends, too much baking Christmas goodies, hours spent enjoying a cozy fire, gallons of gas used driving around looking at lights, way too much being merry at holiday parties - and hardly any time preparing blog posts.
So here are a few mini updates for you....
 Next week I am guest posting on Chelsea's Culinary Indulgence. She has a cute series set up, The 12 Days of Christmas Treats. The series started today with Spiced Eggnog Donuts (yum!) and will continue through Christmas day. Be sure to check it out to see all the fun treats that are planned. I will be posting on the 20th with a decadently rich, holiday chocolate treat.

12 Days of Christmas Treats
Yesterday I got my ornament from the HenningLove Christmas Ornament Swap. I was so excited to get something in the mail I almost ripped it open right away. But then I remembered, I am a blogger. So I must first document with pictures. That post is coming next week, December 19th.
Also, next week I will be sharing some home-made gift ideas. Perfect for your palate and budget. Expect to see soup mixes in jars and sweet breads in snowflake ceramic baking dishes.  


  1. Woohoo! Can't wait to see your post on the series!

  2. Heyyyy pretty lady! Can't wait to see what you have in store for us! :):):)

  3. I just posted over there today SOOOO fun!!
