
Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Classic Joke Tuesday {w/ crafts}

You know how certain things can take you right back to a specific memory, time, place? The way a song can bring back all the emotions of an experience. The way a certain smell reminds you of someone special.

Well there's something in particular that always brings me back to a week in 2004. I'm in high school and on a missions trip to Mexico with my church. We're building houses for families, who are in desperate need for more room. The house they live in now is smaller than my bedroom, and there are five of them. A mother, father, 2 children, and a new baby. Despite having so little, they are so happy. The type of happiness that doesn't change based on how things may be going on that particular day. A happiness that is deep and unchanging. It is JOY.

It was an incredible week, where I learned so much about who I am, the things that are important to me, and how I need to use my life to lift up those around me,as much as I can.


**segway from serious conversation** Want to know the thing that always reminds me of this special trip?

A joke.

At the time we thought the joke was hilarious, and it was probably said 100 times on that trip. Silly, I know

So here it is:

What did 50 Cent say to his grandma when she gave him a sweater?

Gee, you knit?

Ok, not that funny now. But in 2004, when 50 {pronounced "fitty"} and G-Unit were hugely popular with suburbanites of all ages, we thought this was pretty hilarious.

This brings me to my point for this post - Knitting. Wow this post is all over the place. meaning of life, 50 Cent, and knitting. crazy, i know.

Are there any knitters out there? I first started knitting 6 years ago. I received a bunch of yarn and needles from my boyfriend's mom (future mother-in-law) and set out to knit a green scarf. I did 12 rows and stopped. Until about a month ago. Yes, my poor green scarf has sat in my closet for 6 years.

Then, after Thanksgiving, my girlfriends and I decided the theme of our gift exchange would be "home-made".  There are four of us, and each year we pick a name and do our annual gift exchange. The next day I was at Michaels and found this gorgeous burnt orange yarn. I knew I had to make a scarf. You see, the friend that I had for the exchange has a bit of a thing for burnt orange.

This was actually really easy to make! For the knitters out there, it was just knit 1, purl 1, round and round for 131 stitches on circular needles.

Here is the yarn I used: Homespun in Saffron

And the pattern was found on Ravelry here

When you double it up it is perfectly cozy for fashion or function. Next up I will be making one for me :)

If you made it to the end of this post, wow! It was a long one!


  1. I laughed out loud at your joke haha. And then I,was in see of your knitting abilities. That scarf is beautiful!

  2. I am ashamed on how long it took me to understand that joke!

    That scarf is so pretty! Makes me want to get back into knitting.

  3. OMG! I remember that green scarf! I think we both started knitting at the same time and remember how excited you were that Steven's mom got you all this stuff. This made me smile big time this morning! Xoxoxo

  4. Your scarf is lovely!! I really want to try to make it...I have the perfect yarn in mind too :)

  5. Hahah, that joke...

    I love scarves so much! I have never tried to knit. I may have to start. I need a hobby! :)

  6. Really pretty scarf and funny joke :)

  7. The joke is hilarious....I'll be telling tomorrow for sure!!! I knit!!! Thanks for sharing, came out amazing!

  8. Oh wow! Great scarf! I remember way back when I was know how to knit. Maybe I i'll have to try it out again... maybe it'll be like riding a bike. I doubt

    Nike O.

  9. Hello!

    I am your newest follower from the Follow Friend Friday Link Up Party! Can't wait to check out the rest of your blog! I need to pick up my knitting needles again! Started a scarf and never finished it! lol.
    Feel free to stop on over and enter the giveaway on my blog: {GIVEAWAY} Custom Jewelry Organizer!

    See you around!
    Finding My Happy

  10. Lol that joke is awesome. :) Love it!
    and girl you are so pretty and talented! Make me a scarf!!!!

  11. I have that same color yarn & same brand!! You did a great job on the scarf- it is gorgeous!!
