
Sunday, January 6, 2013

What's for dinner? {w/ meal planning}

Hi friends! How's your weekend going?  

Friday night I went out with some of my girlfriends to downtown San Diego. We found primo parking (no charge!), chowed down on the BEST salsa, got sent a round of free drinks, and danced away the night to a 70s/80s hits coverband. It was pretty spectacular. 

We started the night at The Blind Burro, a new restaurant and bar in the East Village of San Diego. Menu items included sweet potato chorizo taquitos with candied jalepenos, achiote shrimp street tacos, and yummy Mexican style creamed corn with lime and cotija cheese (which I will be attempted to replicate someday soon). 

the view from a friend's rooftop

Yesterday the hubby and I lounged around most of the day. I re-watched a few episodes of Downton Abbey to get prepared for the season three premiere tonight (nerd alert! I am so excited!) and got caught up on some blog reading and writing.

attempting to channel T-Swift

Today is my day to get things done. Like finally putting away all the Christmas decorations. And grocery shopping for the week. You know those weeks when you're organized and plan out all your meals. I love those weeks. Unfortunately for me they are not a regular occurrence.  I usually plan Monday, maybe Tuesday, but Wednesday is usually figured out on my drive home from work. My bloggy friend Stephanie from Never The Same Spice Twice always plans out her weekly meals. Every week. The girl is amazing. You should definitely check out her blog. It is full of her own great recipes, cooking tips and tricks, and cute family pictures.

Here is my plan for this week:

Sunday - Sausage and Fennel Pizza with a Kale Salad
Monday - Crockpot Beef Stew
Tuesday - Grilled Honey-Orange Chicken Salad
Wednesday - my family's Taco Soup (recipe post coming soon)
Thursday - Quinoa Stuffed Sweet Potatoes with Kale and Cranberries 

What's on your menu this week?


  1. Ooo I love going downtown, and I've never tried the Blind Burro. It looks like I just found a new excuse for a night out! I may even go tonight hehe
    Thanks for sharing!!

  2. Great post... Sounds like yummy week!

  3. Obviously love this post, your Taylor Swift look is adorable! Those meals all sound so yummy....can't wait to see that taco soup recipe!!! Sounds like you are having a nice and productive Sunday! I hope the rest of your week is just as good! :)

  4. Good job with the meal planning! I going to try to do some later, but will see if searching for recipes translates to them actually being made ha!

  5. It is great when you get to hang out with the girls and I am also a fan of Downton Abbey. I just love those period shows.
    I am following you now and would love for you to follow along.

  6. I didn't know you liked Downton! It's one of my absolute favorites! And season 3's premiere didn't disappoint. Your hair looks so cute in that pic, love it!

  7. first of all kristin i love your hair in that photo you are just gorgeous and your bangs are beautiful! second that meal at the restaurant on friday sounds yummy!

  8. Great post! Loved your dinner selection for the week!

    Followed you from the blog hop!

    Check us out :)
