
Friday, February 8, 2013

How to.... fight the flu {w/ life}

load up on Vitamin C. 

get plenty of sleep. 

drink lots of water.

eat a balanced diet. 


This has been my mantra the past week, trying to fight the flu germs in my house. And, {knock on wood} so far, so good. Of course now that I've posted it on the internet, I am sure I will get sick. God certainly has a sense of humor, and I think He would think it quite funny.

Now that Steven is finally feeling better we can actually make plans for the weekend {yay!}. What should we do? hmmm......

Dinner tonight at our favorite Vietnamese restaurant sounds nice. Crispy, hot eggrolls and warm soup sound like the perfect way to spend a rainy night. It's pouring right now. And incredibly windy.

And after, maybe a movie. I hear Silver Linings Playbook is good. Has anyone seen it?

So that's my night. What are your plans for Friday Date Night?


  1. Aww that stinks. Glad you and your guy are better though! Being sick is the worst.

    I haven't seen that movie, but I've really been wanting to! Let us know what you think :)

  2. We loved Silver Linings Playbook. Definitely go see it. Your plan for dinner sounds delicious!!! Yum.

    p.s. Just realized our husbands share a name :) Mine is Stephen with a "ph" though ;)

  3. We got sick in our house a few weeks ago but not the flu thank goodness! I'm the one who gave it to him. Hope you don't get it. I so entered that giveaway. Never mind that I'm almost sure I won't win!!

  4. I'm hoping you kicked that flu out for good. Enjoy your night out. I have heard AMAZING things about Silver Linings Playbook and would totally go see if it was still at the theater near us.

  5. I thought I was fighting against the germs successfully, until I got sick a few days ago. What luck! I saw Silver Linings Playbook about a month ago and loved it!

  6. yah i thought knock on wood my husband wouldn't get what i caught but unfortunately it did catch up to him but i was surprised a few days later that means those germs are really sticking around. i wish i had some disinfectant to spray around my house we certainly need it
