
Monday, February 11, 2013

New Glasses... again!


Hi friends! If you've been around my blog for awhile, you may remember a post I did a few months ago about my new computer glasses.

Recently, a company emailed me to see if I would be interested in receiving a pair of glasses and sharing my honest thoughts about them with you guys. The company is Firmoo, an online retailer of prescription, fashion, and sunglasses. They have so many great glasses to choose from. It's crazy how much a new pair of glasses can completely change your style and look. And while it may seem risky to buy glasses online (and not be able to try them on in person) thanks to technology you can now try them on digitally by uploading your picture to Firmoo.

Another great thing about Firmoo is the price. Glasses cost as little as $10 (that's right people, $10) and the more expensive ones are currently only about $60. Plus, they offer a  First Pair Free Program. Free glasses, you only pay shipping. 

Here are the glasses I chose. 


A day or so later I received confirmation they shipped, along with a tracking number. Here's what I received:

A handy eye glass repair kit, soft case, and a compact hard case with cleaning cloth. 

So far I love my new glasses! The frames feel durable but are lightweight, and I love that the sides are wood.  If you choose to order through Firmoo and have questions about the frames you want I would definitely suggest contacting their customer support. The people I dealt with were very helpful and responsive. 

Hope my feedback helps!

p.s. Only 4 more days to enter the $250 Victoria's Secret Giveaway


  1. They are so cute! I love the nerdy chic look. I really need to upgrade my glasses this year too! :)

  2. How cute! I think I've had the same glasses since beginning of high school, maybe it's time for me to join you and hunt for a new pair :) I love your choice, they are suuupper cute on you!

  3. They look so awesome, and you look amazing! I wish I could pull off the cool glasses look!

  4. adorable! you look so great in your new glasses!

  5. Gosh you are so cute! I am so glad we got to talk today, I love you!

  6. You make those glasses look good. Jealous! Great choice on the frames.

  7. Looking GREAT! I am still procrastinating on ordering mine....need to measure my PD!!! You inspired me though! :)

  8. Those glasses are so fun! Great choice! I'm wearing my Firmoo glasses today too :-)
    Jeans and a Teacup

  9. I love them! Will definitely have to check out Firmboo. I'm in the market for a new pair myself.
