
Friday, March 29, 2013

Bird's Nest Treats {w/ recipes}

hello friends. Today I am so happy to have Sarah from To Be Mrs. Collier guest posting. She is sharing some delicious Easter treats.

It's easy to get caught up in the fun of Easter - egg hunts and candy, ham dinners - but the real reason for Easter is plain and simple. 

For God so loved
the world
that he gave
his one and only Son,
that whoever
believes in HIM
shall not perish
but have eternal life.
- John 3:16


Birds Nest Easter Treats

Hippity, Hoppity Easter's On Its Way! Can you believe it? Whether you find yourself attending a luncheon or just spending a quiet Easter at home, no doubt you've stumbled across these adorable birdsnest cookies popping up all over Pinterest. With only three to four ingredients, I became quite curious about how easy it truly is to make these delightful looking creations. The recipe is simple: chocolate, (optional peanut butter), chow mein noodles. I started to think about that combination while channeling my inner no-bake cookie maker and for this recipe I've shaken things up with All Bran cereal to replace the chow mein noodles. Can't get enough fiber!

Makes about 6 nests
1 c. All Bran Cereal
1 c. Semi-sweet chocolate chips
12-15 Whopper Robin Eggs
1/4 c. peanut butter (optional)


1. Create a double boiler to melt your chocolate chips. Cover a baking sheet with wax paper.
2. Add in the peanut butter to the melted chocolate, if you choose.
3. Once the chocolate is entirely melted and has a smooth texture, add the All Bran and begin to gently stir with a silicone baking spatula.
4. Using a fork, rather than a spoon, lift some of the "birds nest" mix onto the wax paper forming it into a little nest. Be sure to leave a dimple in the center for the eggs!

5. Add 2-3 esthetically pleasing and tasty combinations of the Whopper's Robin Eggs. Any egg-shaped Easter candy will do, so feel free to mix and match!
6. Place the entire baking sheet in the refridgerator to allow for the chocolate to set-up for about 30 minutes (if you can stand to wait that long).

The cookies fall on the boarder of gooey and crunchy between the chocolate and peanut butter combination and cereal. They are incredibly easy to make, perfect for little fingers to help! Imagine how impressed your brunch guests will be if they found a cute little bird's nest on their plate!


Thanks Sarah for sharing these cute, and delicious, treats!

You can find Sarah over at To Be Mrs. Collier where she blogs about Frugal Living, Recipes, Wedding Planning, her awesome Pinbusters, Faith, and Home DIY. You can follow her on Pinterest, Facebook, and Twitter as well!


  1. I shared a similar idea on my blog! I think your way looks tastier though! :)
