
Thursday, April 4, 2013

California Love {w/ travels}

hello friends! Today I am in New York City! I absolutely LOVE New York. There is just something about it! 

As much as I love to travel and see as much of this world that I can, my heart and home is in California. So it only seems suiting that my dear friend Katie from Unwritten is here today to share with you about California and her favorite places.

I am Katie and I blog over at Unwritten where I talk about my life, my guy, the amazing things I find on Pinterest, my love for coffee and lots of other random things.

Today I want to share a few of my favorite vacation spots around California.  I am so lucky to live in a state that has such a vast variety of landscape, culture, and fun places to go!

Living in Sacramento, if I drive 2 hours west I am at the beach and if I drive 2 hours east, I am in the snow.  It is definitely best of both worlds.  (Plus we get to see all 4 seasons, even though I do miss the one season we had when I lived in San Diego ha!) 

Obviously I love the "big" places in California: San Francisco, Napa, Los Angeles and San Diego but these below are some of my go-to places that are a must almost annually.

1. Pismo Beach

Every June, my dad's entire family goes to Pismo Beach for a few days.  And when I saw entire family, I mean second cousins and all.  There are probably 50 of us that take over this hotel and we just have a blast!  We stay at a hotel that is 100 stairs away from the beach (good leg workout coming back up!) and they have a fantastic BBQ area so all the dads cook every night and we have fun!  Pismo is also such a cute little town with shopping and great food!  Definitely a nice getaway that most people don't think/know about. 
2. Disneyland
Now this is a no brainer.  Disneyland is on everyone's favorite vacation list!  Disneyland is my happy place, I love being there more than anything and try to go at least once a year.  I love the nostalgia  and childlike atmosphere here and it is impossible not to have the time of your life!  Plus I always try to see Kristin when I go!.
3. Lake Tahoe
Lake Tahoe is one of mine and Gerard's favorite places, especially when we go with our friends Eric and Jenny.  We have sooo much fun at the casinos, playing in the snow and more!  And do I even need to mention the beauty of the mountains and the lake?  I can't believe I actually get to come here (for work too!) and experience it all!  It is a must for everyone!
4. Santa Cruz/Monterey
I had never really been to either of these places until a few years ago and now I am in love with them!  I am lucky enough to work in Santa Cruz pretty often and it is always such a nice getaway.  Gerard and I love coming to both of these places (they are only about 45 min apart) because they are not only beautiful but there are so many fun things to do.  The beach, yummy food, cute shops, Pebble Beach, and so much more!   

I hope you get to come to one of these places at least once!  They are all pretty awesome and I am sure you would love it!

Thanks for sharing Katie! 

Be sure to go say "hi" to her over at Unwritten


  1. you are adorable :)

  2. Califronia rocks! Love all these places! We are blesed to live in the Golden Staete!

  3. YAY, I love Cali too!!! I always go to the LA area where my family lives, but there is SO much more I want to see!!!!

  4. I grew up in Pismo :) When I was young I didn't realize it was a tourist destination -- but I quickly learned after I moved away. LOVE it. Now we live about 30 minutes from Santa Cruz... I guess I have had some luck with living spots! :)
