
Monday, April 15, 2013

New York, NY {w/ travels}

Just a week ago I was sitting on an airplane, somewhere over Ohio, on my way home from an incredible trip. Incredible is truly the best word to describe it. Four and a half days of exploring and enjoying the remarkable city of New York.

Day one started early. I mean, very early. The three of us California girls took a redeye flight Wednesday and arrived at Newark before 6:00am. Off the plane and onto a train, Manhattan bound. We had a traditional breakfast: bagel and schmear.

After breakfast our dear New York friend had work and school, so the California girls headed to Times Square.

We perused and explored this overload of lights for awhile, then headed down town.

The most important item on our itinerary for Thursday was a visit to the National September 11th Memorial. The only other time I was in New York the memorial was still in construction. And while it is still under heavy construction now, the pools are open to the public with reservation. The experience was incredibly moving. There was a quietness that permeated the entire space, a deep sincere reverence. I felt an extreme pride in being an American - standing at the base of where the towers once stood and thinking about it all. The senselessness of the extreme loss of lives, the unity and community that formed afterwards, and the respect and dedication still displayed today.

a rainbow...



  1. Ooh, I have complete vacation envy right now!! So jealous--what a fun trip!

  2. Beautiful photographs!! :) So glad you guys had a safe trip!
