
Tuesday, January 29, 2013

long. distance. friendships. {w/ life}

We've all been there. College. A new job. For some reason or other, life changes and the people in it, suddenly aren't.

So how do you keep a friendship going strong, when you're on other sides of the country?

Today I'm over at Unwritten, guest posting on how to keep a friendship close, even when you couldn't be farther away. I'm sharing a few of the things I do to keep my long distance friendships strong. So go say hi to Katie (she's one of my long distance friends) and please let me know, what do you do to keep your far away friends close?

circa 2007

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

my baking obsession {w/ cupcakes}

So, I kind of have a thing for cupcakes. You can find the evidence here

I can't help it - they're easy to make, simple to decorate, and no plate or fork necessary. 

Monday, January 21, 2013

Monday Funday... not for me {w/ life}

almond crusted warm goat cheese w/ chips

hello friends.

Hope everyone stateside is enjoying a nice day off from work, celebrating Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.  He was such a prominent figure in our country's modern history for freedom and equality. I am so thankful for the brave individuals who are not afraid to fight for change.

That being said, I am remembering MLK from my office today (or at least I will be when this post is published). No day off for me, boo hoo :(

But that's ok, this weekend was more than enough fun to hold me over.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Caramelized Onion & Fennel Pizza {w/ recipes}

I was rather surprised to realize this is my first post on pizza. The reason being that Steven and I make pizza at least 2-3 times a month. It is one of our staple, go-to recipes.

We have a few different types we usually alternate between:

chicken pesto goat cheese with roasted garlic
barbecue chicken with tomatoes and cilantro
thin crust with salami (like we had in Venice)
cilantro chicken meatball with buffalo mozzarella and fresh tomatoes

You see, we take our pizza very seriously.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Classic Joke Tuesday {w/ crafts}

You know how certain things can take you right back to a specific memory, time, place? The way a song can bring back all the emotions of an experience. The way a certain smell reminds you of someone special.

Well there's something in particular that always brings me back to a week in 2004. I'm in high school and on a missions trip to Mexico with my church. We're building houses for families, who are in desperate need for more room. The house they live in now is smaller than my bedroom, and there are five of them. A mother, father, 2 children, and a new baby. Despite having so little, they are so happy. The type of happiness that doesn't change based on how things may be going on that particular day. A happiness that is deep and unchanging. It is JOY.

It was an incredible week, where I learned so much about who I am, the things that are important to me, and how I need to use my life to lift up those around me,as much as I can.


**segway from serious conversation** Want to know the thing that always reminds me of this special trip?

A joke.

Sunday, January 6, 2013

What's for dinner? {w/ meal planning}

Hi friends! How's your weekend going?  

Friday night I went out with some of my girlfriends to downtown San Diego. We found primo parking (no charge!), chowed down on the BEST salsa, got sent a round of free drinks, and danced away the night to a 70s/80s hits coverband. It was pretty spectacular. 

We started the night at The Blind Burro, a new restaurant and bar in the East Village of San Diego. Menu items included sweet potato chorizo taquitos with candied jalepenos, achiote shrimp street tacos, and yummy Mexican style creamed corn with lime and cotija cheese (which I will be attempted to replicate someday soon). 

the view from a friend's rooftop

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

new year. & a sangria recipe. {w/ recipes}

Happy New Year from the w/ household!
Hope your celebrations were filled with love and laughter.

We hosted a few close friends at our condo to ring in 2013.
I put together an easy appetizer spread -